
Theta offers an all in one solution for schools. Our software program keeps track of students, faculty, financials, rooms and sessions. Includes professional reports, family based programming, teacher reports, and so much more.


Family Based

Most school office software programs on the market have you search by student individually and branch out. Each student is attached to a family, even if their last names are different.

Tailored Financials

Our financial module is tailored specifically for parochial schools. Easily assign tuition, registration, and other miscellaneous fees. It is simple to enter in payments from each family.

Financial Reports

Our software program gives you the ability to print bills for each family, payment reports, arrears reports, and so much more.


Our program makes registration easy! Simply press a button to generate and print out re-registration forms for all of your students. Keep track of payments and registration fees owed in our financial module.

Family Reports

We offer the ability to print out reports with information about the families in your school. Information such as: head of household names, addresses, phone numbers, information, affiliations an more.

Student Reports

Summary student reports which can be seperated by grade, section and session. Ability to list parent’s names, address, phone number, date of birth, and grade. Mailing labels available adressed to students or parents.

Class Lists

Sort by current grades or next years registered students. Option to indicate oldest child or newest child in the program. Options to seperate boys and girls. Listing options include: parent’s names, phone number, emergency information, and public school. Lined or non lined and grid reports available. Class directory in alphabetical order listed by grade, section and sessions available.

School Year Promotion

Our software program makes it simple to advance your students into the next school year. It only takes a few minutes to promote your registered students and even consolidate last year’s fees.

Professional Support

When you call or email Theta you will always be speaking to a real person. We pride ourselves on our expedient customer service and knowledgable staff.